Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Buy Fishing Permits Online

Price: £20.00

(per angler)
Date *
E.g., 21/06/2021

Notes on purchasing permits: 

N.B. Tickets/permits may be purchased conveniently here online or in the centre of Sedbergh town itself (see below for full details).

All Tickets issued subject to rules of the Association, Tickets allow the holder to fish a single rod line only. An Environment Agency Licence must also be held by the ticket holder.

It is possible to purchase permits for more than a single day. However, if you require a permit for three days or more - a discounted One Week permit is your best option. Use the drop down selector to choose "Fishing Permit | One Week". 

Please be sure to select the correct date/s before continuing on to make your purchase.

If you are purchasing a permit for another angler/s for the same day/week - select the quantity in total you need for each day or week. 

Purchasing Tickets Offline: 

Simply visit the The Black Bull hotel & restaurant on Main Street in the centre of Sedbergh and you will be able to purchase fishing permits there (at the same day and week rates).

SAA Fishing Rules: 

  1. All Questions as to the sale of tickets shall be entirely at the discretion of the committee.
  2. No person shall fish until they have obtained a ticket and all Ticket holders are required to exhibit their tickets or online proof of ticket, or give their names and addresses and shall produce their catch for inspection if required by the owner or occupier of the fishing rights or any of the Association`s Officials or Bailiffs or any member of the Association.
  3. The committee shall have the power to prosecute any person trespassing in pursuit of or stealing fish or taking fish by any unlawful methods.
  4. In additional to those methods of fishing prohibited by the law the use of maggots and natural minnow is prohibited.
  5. That the season for Brown Trout begins on March 15th, and expires at midnight on September 30th and is restricted to “FLY ONLY” prior to the first of May.  The dates for Migratory Fish are in accordance with the Environment Agency Licence.
  6. No Ticket Holder shall take more than 6 Brown Trout in any day.  Takeable fish shall be a least 9 inches in length from tip of snout to the centre of the tail, except that Ticket Holders may take trout of 8 inches in length from the tip of snout to the centre of the tail if caught up stream of New Bridge.
  7. The committee shall be empowered to make special regulations for the control of fishing between the hours of dusk and dawn on the River Lune and River Rawthey below its confluence with the River Dee during the months of June, July, August and September.
  8. Any Ticket Holder fishing a pool when other fishermen are present shall keep moving at a rate no slower than three casts per step; and having fished through shall come on the bank at the nearest place, Such Ticket Holder wishing to fish the pool again shall walk up the bank and enter the water at a proper distance behind the last fisherman. Under no circumstances shall any angler or group, occupy one position for more than 30 minutes when another angler is waiting to fish.
  9. No dogs allowed while fishing.
  10. Any person who shall obtain fishing rights within Sedbergh postal district in competition with the Association shall be barred from fishing in the Associations water and shall forfeit his ticket.
  11. No person shall sell Brown trout caught in the Association`s waters and anyone caught doing so shall forfeit there ticket and, if a member, be expelled from the Association.
  12. Every ticket holder shall make a true return by November 14th of takeable fish caught.
  13. Junior members are not allowed to fish the River Lune or River Rawthey below its confluence with the River Dee unless accompanied by an adult member of Sedbergh Anglers.
  14. No fishing allowed in the River Rawthey between New Bridge and Millthrop Bridge. (Visitors Only).